General Aviation at Memmingen Airport

The service and information area for commercial and general aviation

Feel free to see for yourself the great offers for General Aviation at Memmingen Airport. Both commercial and private pilots are in good hands with us.

VIP Service

Memmingen Airport VIP Service offers a competent, comprehensive handling service for business, executive and VIP charter flights.

  • We offer a personalised and time-saving service for departures and arrivals, whereby the checks at Memmingen Airport are no less precise, just more discreet and faster.
  • There is an atmosphere characterised by privacy and discretion, as the staff are also experienced in dealing with important personalities and VIPs.
  • Waiting at the check-in counter, checking the right gate or carrying your luggage is now a thing of the past.
  • As part of the process, you will be met at GATE 1 by a member of the traffic management team, taking into account all security procedures, and taken directly to your aircraft by vehicle.
  • Access for persons who wish to greet or say goodbye to passengers directly at the aircraft is a matter of course and only requires registration.
  • Politicians, leading figures from the worlds of business and sport in Germany and abroad appreciate this service, which always caters to guests’ wishes, just as much as public figures.

Memmingen Airport offers you and your guests the use of the comfortable and discreet VIP & Business Service on arrival and departure.

Contacts for flight registrations and pilots

Traffic management on duty

Phone: +49 8331 9725 315

To the flight registration

ATIS announcement: +49 8331 9725 389

VIP registrations, Scheduled & Charter Service

Phone: +49 8331 9725 315

Border Control & Customs

Phone: +49 8331 9725 315

Fuel supply

There is a petrol station with AVGAS 100LL and JET A1 in the airport’s south side. This means you can refuel yourself using your Air BP Flight Card without the need for refuelling staff or waiting time.

Application form Air BP Flight Card

Alternatively, it is, of course, also possible to have the refuelling carried out by Air BP staff. Fuel can be paid for in cash, with the Air BP Flight Card and by credit card (Visa / Master Card).

fuel supply fees

Fuel services

Phone: +49 8331 9725 340

Download area

FMM flight operating times

Airport User Regulations

Our Airport User Regulations stipulate behavioural obligations that counteract the occurrence of operational and other hazards. Persons using, travelling on or entering the airport are obliged to comply with all instructions, including individual instructions.

Airport User Regulations – FMM

Regulations & Fees

Schedule of Fees and Charges – FMM Version 3.1

Schedule of Fees and Charges – FMM Version 3.1 abridged version

Application for an airport ID card

Application for background check airport ID card
Aviation Security Act (Luftsicherheitsgesetz) – Fact Sheet ZUeP

Technical data

Total areaRoughly 180 ha
Height633.31 m (2076.77 ft) NN
Aerodrome Reference Code4D operational, currently reduced to 4C /> 4C requires PPR
Operating hours06.00 - 22.00 lcl
Delay regulation22.00 - 23.00 lcl (PPR)
Total length in m2.950
Dimensions of runway 2,630m x 45m
Equipment fordire brigade ICAO Cat. 7 / PPR to. ICAO Cat. 9, Winter services, Aircraft de-icing, ground handling services

Further services

Do-Tec GmbHAm Flugplatz 2687766 Memmingerberg
Phone: +49 8331 750300

Technical emergencies:
Parts sales:
EASA Part-145

Excellent Jet Service EJS GmbH
Am Flughafen 40 – via Gate 3Cessna Citation MRO
E-mail: ;
Phone: +49 172 5643599; +49 170 3324084; +49 170 2114732

Abbate Aviation Catering
Mobile: +49 162 4119189
Phone: +49 731 60282656

© 2025 Flughafen Memmingen GmbH