18. August 2021

“Goodbye Transall” in Memmingen

“Goodbye Transall” was the motto at Memmingen Airport today (18 August). The aircraft, which has been circumventing the world for the Bundeswehr since the 1960s, is now to be replaced. The German Air Force is celebrating its farewell with a “Goodbye Tour”.

The German Air Force is due to bid farewell to this flying legend as it makes a stopover at Memmingen Airport. This transport machine provided loyal service for over 50 years.

The Transall C-160 anniversary aircraft, which stopped off in Memmingen while being accompanied by a second aircraft, was given a new and final special look for its farewell tour. The Transall will be decommissioned by the Bundeswehr before the year is out; its tasks will be taken over by the A400M from the 62nd Air Transport Wing in Wunstorf.

The last special paintwork will consist of various looks that the aircraft has already sported in service with the German Air Force. From the silver prototype to the white of the United Nations. The symbols on the right-hand side of the machine show the various missions flown. The one on the left carries the “Hummel des Lutfttransportgeschwader 63” – “Hohn” – which will be disbanded at the end of the year.With the introduction of the Transall, modern air transport was born. Initially, it was only intended for tactical transport missions. Later, the range of missions went on to include the role of flying hospital: the so-called “Air MedEvacMedical” Evacuation version. This was a converted Transall aircraft that could transport up to three patients.

Bundeswehrsoldaten vor der letzten Transall Maschine am Flughafen Memmingen

A welcome guest in Memmingen: the last Transall. Picture: Memmingen Airport

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