5. October 2021

Moving closer towards a brighter future

Bavaria’s Transport Minister, Kerstin Schreyer, opens the airport’s new baggage hall complete with arrivals area at Memmingen Airport

Memmingen Airport took a key step towards the future today, Tuesday (5 October), with the opening of the new baggage hall complete with arrivals area. Bavaria’s Transport Minister, Kerstin Schreyer, honoured the commitment shown by southern Germany’s largest low-cost airport at the event.“It is impressive to see just how successfully Allgäu Airport Memmingen has developed since the start of passenger flight operations here in 2007. The airport has firmly established itself from a standing start,” explained Kerstin Schreyer, Minister of State for Housing, Construction and Transport, who was the guest of honour at the opening ceremony.“With the inauguration of the new hall – comprising baggage handling and an arrivals area – the airport is making an important contribution to greater comfort and security for its passengers. In my view, this is the right approach to rendering mobility more attractive and sustainable. The Free State of Bavaria was happy to support this investment.”
Although the Coronavirus pandemic also left its mark on Memmingen Airport last year, signs and developments here continue to point toward long-term growth. “The summer holidays, in particular, have revealed” explained Airport Managing Director, Ralf Schmid, “that the desire to travel and meet people continues unabated.” It was, therefore, necessary to adapt the infrastructure to the rising passenger numbers. The increased capacity at baggage control and collection, as well as at the passport control points on arrival will reduce waiting times in future. It is also easier for passengers to maintain the necessary distance in a larger space. During a 19-month construction period, a new hall was built with a usable area of around 2,300 square metres, which can handle up to 2,000 passengers per hour. It represents part of an extensive modernisation project that was launched exactly three years ago, when Bavaria’s Minister President, Markus Söder, broke ground on 5 October 2018.  The airport has invested around EUR three million in the new building, new baggage handling systems and the necessary control technology. The Free State has subsidised these investments with around 70 per cent. In future, passengers from non-Schengen countries can be checked at five passport control points on ten routes. The new baggage hall with arrivals area is already equipped to embrace further growth. This is because additional circulation areas for passengers can be created on a second floor that is already prepared for just such a task. “This new facility rounds off the passenger’s flying experience on the ground in style,” says Ralf Schmid

Founding partner Gerhard Pfeifer also recognised the new building as an important step into the future. Pfeifer recently took over as Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Flughafen Memmingen GmbH. Günzburg District Administrator, Dr Hans Reichhart, was appointed as his deputy.

Ready for take-off: Bavaria’s Transport Minister, Kerstin Schreyer, opened the new terminal at Memmingen Airport. She was supported by Alexander Hold, Member of the Bavarian State Parliament and Vice President of the Bavarian State Parliament (from right), Gerhard Pfeifer, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Flughafen Memmingen GmbH, Thomas Kreuzer, Chairman of the CSU Parliamentary Group in the Bavarian State Parliament, and Ralf Schmid, the airport’s Managing Director.

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