15. June 2022

Premiere for Bavaria’s transport minister

Christian Bernreiter visits Memmingen Airport for the first timeFor some, it was a home game, for others a whole new experience:Christian Bernreiter visited the airport for the first time today (Wednesday 15 June),who has been the Bavarian Minister of State for Housing, Building and Urban Affairs since the end of February. He was accompanied byKlaus Holetschek, Minister of Health, who as the AllgäuMember of Parliament has supported the airport for many years.Almost 15 years ago to the day, Memmingen Airport took uppassenger flight operations. And has since established a firm place in theregion’s infrastructure, emphasised Gerhard Pfeifer, one of thefounding fathers of the airport and today Chairman of the Supervisory Board, in adiscussion with ministers. “Today, it is responsible for the whole of southern Germany and theneighbouring regions in Austria and Switzerland,” added AirportManaging Director Ralf Schmid, “an important factor in manytravel decisions.” With around 50 connections in and beyond Europe,which was pointed out by the Deputy Chairman of the Supervisory Board and GünzburgDistrict Administrator, Dr Hans Reichhart, it now offers an highly appealing bundle of traveldestinations. Minister Bernreiter was impressed by theairport’s development: “Allgäu Airport is a permanent fixture in Germany’sair traffic. This is also impressive because no one has operated in this regionfor as long as we have.” One thing to be proud of from the point of view of the MemmingenMinister of State, Klaus Holetschek, is that the airporthas long since reached an operating level of the pre-Corona era. “That’s good for theairport, tourism, the economy and the region”.Future topics were also at the centre of discussions. During this time,visitors and hosts discussed questions relating to climate-neutral flying, the issue ofdigitalisation and possible new forms of mobility. 

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